Patient Activation through Community Conversations
Who Should Attend: Anyone seeking healthcare-related guidance and support
When: The first Wednesday of the Month
Time: 7:00 PM Eastern Time
Come pick a topic and get information about navigating the healthcare system.
Pulse Patient Activation through Community Conversation (PACC) series has been approved by the Patient Advocate Certification Board for 1.0 General Continuing Education (CE) credit. These credits fulfill the requirements for Board Certified Patient Advocates (BCPA).
A PACC is not about your health. It is about your health care, the experience leading up to good health.
There is always something to learn from others’ healthcare experiences, whether they are medical professionals, Board Certified Patient Advocates, caregivers or interested community members.
Patient Activation through Community Conversations (PACC) focuses on the healthcare experience rather than individual health concerns. It offers a platform to discuss the processes leading to good care, and exchange insights among participants.
A PACC is not a support group, although you may very well find support.
PACC is a facilitated conversation using actual cases to ask participants what has worked for them or how they would handle a situation.
There are rules such as:
● Terms such as “you should” are discouraged to avoid giving advice.
● Advocates will practice their listening skills and not interrupt.
● Participants will use plain language and no acronyms.
● Experiences and information are to be shared without opinions such as: “That hospital is the best”.
PACCs are not recorded, and what is said at a PACC stays at a PACC.
Join us and be part of an empowering community that understands the importance of shared knowledge and support. Together, we can navigate the complexities of healthcare and make informed decisions for better outcomes.
Because topics may be sensitive, we ask that all cameras be on at all times.
Each meeting of the Pulse Patient Activation through Community Conversation (PACC) series has been approved by the Patient Advocate Certification Board for 1.0 General Continuing Education (CE) credit. These credits fulfill the requirements for Board Certified Patient Advocates (BCPA).
While the program is offered free of charge, Pulse requests a processing fee of $15 and completion of an evaluation following the program.

Your donation will directly contribute to our efforts in raising awareness, providing education, and advocating for positive patient outcomes.

You can host a PACC for your clients, friends, family, faith community, a civic organization or anywhere people gather. Call for more information (516) 579-4711
Disclaimer: The information which is shared during Pulse meetings and programs does not constitute professional advice and should NOT be used as a substitute for seeking professional diagnosis and treatment of any illness either physical, mental or emotional. Read Full Disclaimer Here